Git with Command Line Interface
Hello guys welcome you once again, so today in these blog you’ll understand Git and Github with CLI commands.
So first you need to understand that Git is distributed version control system and Github is a remote server which is used to store your repositories or repo.
Why Git is popular ?
Previously we using centralized version control system which is not reliable and its only depends on internet so to overcome such issue Distributed version control system is developed.
Story Line :
Git uses Distributed version control structure and Git is developed by Linus Torvald in 2005, He was also the Father of Linux.
Installation :
$ sudo apt-get install git // For Linux/Debian
For windows just tap on these link GIT and install like normal software
Okay now we doing all stuff using command line after installation
Note : Windows user open git bash instead of normal terminal
git --version // For checking git version
Configuration :
Configure means register yourself on git and only on Git not Github
Note :- Git and Github is different as i already said you.
git config --global "Your_Name"
git config --global "Email-id"
After executing above cmd you don’t need to configure again and again it is one time process
For checking your credentials
$ git config --list //Enter// After pressing enter button you'll get below like listdiff.astextplain.textconv=astextplain
filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f
filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge -- %f
filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process
http.sslcainfo=C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
Now you successfully register your self on Git
Make one folder and by using make directory command like
mkdir Repo1
go inside Repo1 by using change directory command like
cd Repo1/
Finally we are good to go.
Now understand the concept of git repositories, We are using git because it does not require internet because it makes internal partitions which is not appear but it exists
- Step 1:
For activating git inside your repo just enter below command
git init
Optional :
After pressing git init automatically a hidden folder is created named as .git and it contains several files like configure, index, etc if you want to check those files use below command
$ ls -a ./.git
after entering these command you’ll get all hidden files
./ COMMIT_EDITMSG description hooks/ info/ objects/ refs/../ config HEAD index logs/ ORIG_HEAD
Its optional process ignore if you don’t curious about what inside .git folder
Before Step 2 you need to understand about structure/stages of git which you recently activated in your local folder or repo by using git init command
- Step 2:
By considering above image we understand there are 3 stages in your local repository that is 1) Working Directory 2) Staging Area 3) Local Repository All these stages is separated in your local repo but it is not appear it is only concept that every geek follows to understand Git easliy
git add .
git add is use for adding your files or data into staging area and forget to use dot in git add command
For frequently checking you are presently on which phase or area use
git status
By using git status you can see all untracked files and phase of git repository structure
git commit -m "Your Message" // msg like commit name or number
No you committed your work and it is ready to push on remote server like Github, Gitlab, etc.
You can check your commit using
git show
Now after checking and satisfying with your work its time to push your work but before that you need to add your Github repo link or Gitlab repo link
git remote add origin
finally push your work on Remote Server by using
git push origin master
Here master means your Github repo branch name, Now the desired files is successfully uploaded on your remote server repository
Step 3:
Similarly for pulling your work from remote server use
git pull -u origin master
After authenticating yourself you’ll get your repo files
If you want desired repository but you don’t have credentials then you can use
git clone <repo_name>
Some Useful commands of Git Bash Terminal
Ctrl+l = is used for clear all command from git bash terminal
which git = is used for finding your path of git
cd .. = is used for going one step back from your current directory
*** Cheat Sheet of Github ***
I hope now you’ll learn about git for advanced version of these blog represent some appreciation as a kudos.